Details » Berger Picard

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- Description: Berger Picard Info
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- Created On: Jun 2, 2010
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User Comments:
1. | Jan 7, 2018
2. | Jun 26, 2014
Ken: congratulations on centairg a forum for brainstorming and contributing to improving healthcare leadership that can make a difference. I'm a nurse who's been in healthcare for most of my working years, and now specialize in healthcare executive and physician leadership coaching. I'd love to partner with you and others on effective ways to support physician leaders as they grow their leadership skills.
3. | Jun 14, 2014
Linda I had considered bgingag the PET scan because it is unpleasant and seemed unnecessary. Dr. Ey was OK with that, but after talking with him I decided I wanted to do it after all. I'm not disappointed they switched me to the less obnoxious CAT scan..I swam for 20 minutes today. Tomorrow I'll crank it up to my usual 40 minute swim. It's nice to be able to do more healthy stuff. ..Marcia I always found the Make it so thing kind of obnoxious, which I guess is a mandatory Star Feet captain personality trait. I know you hated Kirk because he was so arrogant and obnoxious, which I hadn't noticed until you mentioned it..The insurance companies certainly have mastered the prospering part. As to the live long part, I think I'm pretty much responsible for that.
4. | Nov 24, 2013
Recently I took part in a counselling progmamre for senior management at a major UK bank.Many participants talked about the ‘shame’ they felt for being bailed out by taxpayers while still drawing huge salaries bonuses. We were instructed to offer them solace, to assure them they were serving the community as good citizens say they were helping to combat climate change other vague eco-causes.When I refused to toe the line offered criticism, I was forced out.
5. | Jul 14, 2013
Recently I took part in a counselling progmarme for senior management at a major UK bank.Many participants talked about the ‘shame’ they felt for being bailed out by taxpayers while still drawing huge salaries bonuses. We were instructed to offer them solace, to assure them they were serving the community as good citizens say they were helping to combat climate change other vague eco-causes.When I refused to toe the line offered criticism, I was forced out.
6. | May 30, 2013
bqmi4C htgkcgkruiox
7. | May 29, 2013
I want to start with the statement that I am bieasd based on my current career path, but I am wary of stereotyping consultants. I have seen consultants that were used as a tool of management to tell the company that the boss is right, however, in my current position, I see a big problem coming from the lack of management and staff to support the changes that consultants are trying to lead (lead, not force). It often seems almost like sabotage along the thought lines of if they (consultants) can make the process better in a short time, and I couldn't in 10 years, they're going to make me look bad. Consultants, just like any software package, new machine, or process, should be installed with a specific focus in mind before they are ever used/hired. With that specific focus it will make the results much easier to evaluate, did the new purchase meet the desired result? if not, PDCA again.