Details » Backwell Parents and Students for Change

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- Category: Family & Parents
- Description: A forum where parents and students can discuss their views regarding backwell school
- Members: 0
- Created On: Mar 21, 2007
- Posts: 0
- Hits: 15329
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User Comments:
1. | Jun 26, 2014
"most", but not "All", please be aware) enjoy their maitrialisetc life and they seldom discuss social issues.I am sorry, I enjoy maitrialisetc life, but I also enjoy critical thinking. I want to know more social issues around my society.I am not a perfect Hong Kong teen. That is why I study overseas and learn what Americans do good.
2. | Jun 3, 2014
"most", but not "All", please be aware) enjoy their mtalriaeistic life and they seldom discuss social issues.I am sorry, I enjoy mtalriaeistic life, but I also enjoy critical thinking. I want to know more social issues around my society.I am not a perfect Hong Kong teen. That is why I study overseas and learn what Americans do good.
3. | Apr 24, 2014
Super execitd to see more of this kind of stuff online.