Details » Anti-beth Forum

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- Category: Hobbies
- Description: anti beth organization
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- Created On: Jun 3, 2007
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1. | Jul 22, 2014
Its a bit tricky and I may want to use renssope' than feedback. But let me try to argue that I define feedback as a hearer's renssope to speaker's utterance',however, I am aware that sometimes the theme of speaker's utterance and feedback may differ. I feel that there may be different kinds of relations between the speaker's utterance and that of the hearer's renssope but overall they still constitute feedback (literally speaking feed back ).And why do you think Shannon-Weaver's and Berlo's model consider feedback differently? Both of them try to account for feedback in terms of noise' created in transmission. It is true that Berlo's model adds many social and cultural aspects in his model and the methods of reducing feedback is different in these models. However, they are both incomprehensive in one regard: lack dynamicity and are not ‘interactional or transactional’ which are the hallmarks of human communication.