Details » Salem: Trial by Fire

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- Category: Gaming: RPG
- Description: Sabbat
- Members: 0
- Created On: Feb 3, 2007
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- Hits: 3854
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1. | Jul 22, 2014
If chosen thotuhgs create our realities and we choose which thought to listen to, then those 17 killed and their killers somehow interacted to create the actions that led to them leaving the physical relm. I would assume there were other thotuhgs that could have taken them another place or time that they did not listen to. From our point of view, in the reality we create, we see them, are impacted, feel the pain and must, maybe by a big deep breath and the gratitude that follow forgive them, and go on in this world. From their wounded emotional anatomy, they chose the series of thotuhgs and decisions that created the nightmare that finally killed them. The playing field they were on was removed from the bigger field of play on which we all exist. Maybe the gratiude and the forgivness that this pain taps can help others create a reality through choices that won't include them in similar events. Maybe useful in the language would be to listen to the whispers before they become screams and shouts . Please note that in the above there is no thought of right, wrong, good or bad just thotuhgs chosen from wounded perspectives on both sides. So in summary, you don't have to give it up it's already changed the world of many and continues to grow daily KEEP THE FAITH RIGGS even without speaking and writing the world around you is being modified by what you think.